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Natural Health Solutions

Two Simple Strengthening Exercises to Keep Your Elbows and Wrists Healthy

Even among fitness enthusiasts, I've consistently found that many people neglect the tendons that control their wrists and elbows - this is a big mistake, as these tissues are not well perfused with blood, so when they are injured, they can take many months to heal. All of us constantly use our wrists and elbows, but most of us only tune into this reality if we injure one of these areas.

To build and maintain strength in the tendons that attach to and move your wrists and elbows, please consider making the following exercises a part of your everyday life:

Tennis Ball Squeeze

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What To Do If You Have A Tendency To Throw Out Your Back

This is a simple routine of spinal mobility exercises that I have long found useful to those who have a tendency to "throw out" their back or experience chronic and intermittent back pain from various sprains and strains, including those involving intervertebral discs. Read more


How To Minimize Spikes In Blood Sugar


A couple of months ago, I shared a simple yet highly effective approach to minimizing blood sugar spikes, thereby decreasing risk of developing heart disease and Alzheimer's. Read more


How To Clean Dryer Vent For Improved Efficiency

If you have a laundry dryer with a vent that blows hot air and lint outdoors, about once a year, it's a good idea to have it thoroughly cleaned. Buildup of lint in a drying vent is a real fire hazard, and significantly diminishes drying efficiency.

To do the job properly, you can use a simple dryer vent cleaning tool like this one: Read more


Cancel All Student Debt?

Originally posted in 2020.

With the transition to a new administration in the US under way, there has been more talk about the potential for all existing student debt in the US to be forgiven. Read more


Colon Cleansing and Promoting Healthy Bowel Movements With Kiwis


For those who have a tendency to experience a sluggish colon, bloating, or constipation, one simple suggestion often yields positive results:

Eat 2 kiwis daily. Read more


Tips for Constipation

Where there isn't a physical obstruction of the intestines or regular intake of medication that can affect autonomic nervous system tone, I find that the vast majority of people who struggle with constipation benefit from light bouncing.

While a brisk walk can be helpful in this regard, I've found that there is more benefit from purposeful and bouncing up and down whereby the contents of the abdominal and pelvic cavities are gently jostled in place.

Doing jumping jacks, skipping rope, and even controlled bouncing on a trampoline are all effective. Read more


Deep Inhalation, Conscious Contraction, and Abdominal Massage to Promote Healthy Bowel Movements and Excellent Colon Health

To promote regular and comfortable bowel movements and good overall colon health, try doing the following twice a day:

1. While standing, take a deep breath in and hold it. In this state, contract your abdominal wall as though you are trying to shrink your tummy as much as possible and hold this state for a few seconds. Then exhale fully and let your tummy relax. Repeat this cycle five times. Read more




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